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Speaker | Trainer | Coach

I help professionals lead, communicate and sell more effectively during these times of unprecedented change and chaos.

Jay is the best trainer, consultant, and coach on helping professionals lead and communicate more effectively in a workplace where there are such short attention spans and so many generations.





How to effectively Lead, Communicate & Sell in these times of chaos...

Over the last 24 months, have you experienced any of the following?


  • An unproductive sales team 

  • Decreased revenue stream

  • Lack of motivation/leadership

  • Lack of human connection

  • Employee retention issues

  • Frustration with doing business on the “small screen”

  • Video conference fatigue

  • Generational conflict

  • Marketing and messaging to the wrong audience


What if you and your organization could not only navigate today's times of chaos, but also be recognized as a truly Relevant Leader? Imagine if you could professionally and personally go to new levels of success while at the same time making a significant positive impact in other people’s lives.


How life-changing would that be?

Now you can! With Jay McChord's new Relevant Leadership Training Content, you can begin to re-focus, re-build and re-vitalize your influence and re-energize your team to hit new heights.



Live Training & Keynote Sessions

Communicate differently in today’s eight second, multi-generational workplace. Learn solid communication, leadership, & relationship skills to “turn the volume up on you.”

Personal Presentation & Communication Coaching

Become the most dynamic speaker, presenter, or trainer in your organization, community—or generation!

Group Facilitation

Need someone to facilitate your meeting? Jay is used by Boards of Directors, Corporate Executive Retreats, as well as non-profit groups to get the most out of meetings.

About Jay...

Jay McChord is a highly requested speaker, trainer, facilitator and consultant to companies, institutions and organizations globally.


Recognized as an authority on the Multi-Generational Workplace, Jay’s high-energy live events and high-value online content have earned him the nickname of “Your Chief Encouragement Officer.” Jay will give you the tools to successfully navigate the multiple generations—Traditionals, Baby Boomers, Gen-X, Millennials, and Gen-Z—that all impact your business.


Jay's passion is to spark and empower teams to communicate differently and effectively in today’s eight-second world. He does this by teaching solid communication, leadership, and relationship skills that equip you and your team to thrive in today’s marketplace.


Jay brings a unique perspective to his sessions as a former Global Senior Sales Trainer for a multi-billion dollar international technology company, an elected official, published author, and a military artist. Jay’s connection to each audience ignites energy, enthusiasm, and passion.   


Jay and his wife Jennifer have two children, Riley and Davis, and make their home in Lexington, KY.

Jay is the most high-energy, dynamic speaker we’ve ever seen. He offered incredible insight into how the different generations think, as well as provided concrete steps to improve communication at all levels. I cannot recommend him highly enough!


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